22. John Green “The Fault In Our Stars”

13 Mar


Nominated by KT Stevenson

One Sentence Review-

Dawson’s Creek in novel form; possibly my final attempt at liking Young Adult.

Extended Review-

I tried, I honestly, truly hand on heart tried to like this book but I really didn’t. The characters are unbelievable, (not in a good way), the plot reads like a latter day Douglas Coupland novel, (not a compliment), and the dialogue is so adjective-laden and verbose that I actually started wishing the two protagonists might give up on their Dawson’s Creek, irony-babble, and revert to text speak. The best I can say is that I didn’t mind the parent characters and found them a little easier to stomach but, at the end of the day, I shouldn’t have been expecting much when Jodi Picoult wrote the cover endorsement. Sorry KT, back to the grown up books now.

KT also recommends-

Daniela Sacerdoti “Watch Over Me

KT Stevenson is an English teacher based in Belfast, Northern Ireland. She enjoys a grand obsession with the Olympic Games and is fast-filling our house with London 2012 memorabilia. She is the most all round gifted person I know and is currently fluent in cricket, medievalness, drama and violin with plans to conquer baseball before the year is out. She is a founding member of the South Belfast Holby City and Casualty Fan Club. I like KT very much but am not necessarily as enamoured with her reading choices.

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